Piano Chords 2!
Chord Lessons - Beginning Chord Piano Lessons

Lesson 1 - IntroScale Degrees in Major and Minor
Scales, Theory Exercises... |

Lesson 2 - Three Chords and the TruthTonic,
Subdominant, Dominant Chord... |

Lesson 3 - 7th chordsDominant Chords, Major 7th
Chords... |

Lesson 4 -Three Chord SongsThree Chord Songs List,
Three Chord Songs for Christmas... |

Lesson 5-Chord SubstitutionsTurn Around,
Supertonic, Submediant... |

Lesson 6 - Chord Construction of seventh chords
Major Seventh Chords, Minor Seventh Chords, Dinished Seventh Chords... |

Lesson 7 - Sus ChordsSus7 Chord, Sus2 Chord, Sus4
Chord... |

Lesson 8 - The Diatonic Circle Chord Progression
Falling fifth, voice Leading in the Diatonic Cricle... |

Lesson 9 - The Secondary Dominant ChordThe
function of the Secondary Dominant, A chord Chart of Secondary Dominant
Chords... |

Lesson 10 - Chord Progressions in Killing Me Softly
Secondary Dominant, II-V-I and more... |

Lesson 11 - The Diatonic Circle in Hello by Lionel Richie
Chord Progressions in Hello by Lionel Richie, The
Diatonic Circle.... |

Lesson 12 - The 12 Bar BluesMajor Blues, Minor
Blues, Blues Scheme |

Lesson 13 - Blues ChordsSeventh Chords in the
Blues, Blues Structure |

Lesson 14 - Blues Chord ProgressionsExpending the
Blues Structure, A Bluesy Groove |

Lesson 15 - Shell VoicingsWhat's shell voicings?
Examples of shell voicings, Voice leading in Shell Voicings |

All Major 7th Piano Chords
All Minor 7th Piano Chords

Cm7 |

C#m7 / Dbm7 |

Dm7 |

D#m7 / Ebm7 |

Em7 Chord |

Fm7 Chord |

F#m7 / Gbm7 |

Gm7 |

G#m7 / Abm7 |

Am7 |

A#m7 / Bbm7 |

Bm7 |